Risk Disclosure
CFD (Contract for Difference) trading inherently carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Before deciding to trade CFDs, you should carefully consider your risk tolerance and the potential for financial losses. Remember, non-leveraged trading of shares is less risky compared to leveraged CFDs. If you are not a seasoned investor and cannot afford potential losses, investing in CFDs may not be suitable for you.
CFD trading is fraught with risks, particularly when using leverage (margin), and can be affected by market volatility. Trading in CFDs could lead to the entire loss of your investment. Hence, it's crucial to never invest funds that you cannot afford to lose. Before starting your trading journey, ensure you fully understand all the risks associated with CFD trading. We strongly recommend consulting an independent, qualified, and licensed financial advisor before embarking on CFD trading.
TheAmberImperia cannot be held liable for any losses or damages, whether complete or partial, arising from or linked to CFD transactions. This includes direct, indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages.
Also, note that copying the investment strategies of other traders, even experienced ones, involves a significant level of risk. Trading on TheAmberImperia exposes you to the risk of mirroring trading decisions of traders who may not be experienced or professional. Keep in mind that not all traders may have the same financial situation or goals as you, and their risk tolerance may different from yours.
The past performance of any TheAmberImperia member does not guarantee future results.